Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A good day.

Today was a good day. Tuesdays and Thursdays had become unusually difficult, with 8 classes in a row each afternoon. Today, though, 3 of them were cancelled for at least the next two weeks -- so that's 3/day, 6/week. I wish I could tell you how good this is. Although, as crazy as it sounds, I was sort of looking forward to completing an entire month of such an exhausting schedule. I guess that's the runner in me. And all those overtime won would have looked pretty in the bank.

Also, I am 99% positive I got food poisoning from some bulgogi pizza I ate Sunday night -- Amber had the same pizza and same symptoms the next day. Felt like vomiting all day, couldn't eat, dizzy, turned to fever in the evening. 12 hours of sleep seemed to do the trick, because this morning I was right as rain -- so again, a good day. Strange that I got sick from pizza, though, because live octopus, dog, and a bowl of silkworm larvae had no side effects. :) Probably the last time I eat pizza here.

***And of course, it's a good day because Cormac McCarthy won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction!! woohoo! I told you he was good. Click here to join the Cormac McCarthy Society: cormacmccarthy.com

Ok, too much talk, not enough pics, so UT McElmeel is getting anxious. I don't know if these count, but....

Here are two pictures by my kindy kids. I like both drawings, but Martha's is my favorite (yes, I named her), and all of her work is like this -- sort of innocently grotesque. She's one of my favorite students, for sure. The unit was on the body, emphasis on "I have ten fingers" and "I have ten toes." So please don't overlook the toes on the picture of the girl. Her fingers looked the same, until the Korean helper made her draw them thicker. Oh and see, the boy's name is Joey. I named him, too. :)


Unknown said...

Miss Lizzy,

Those beautiful pictures should be in a gallery. See if you can smuggle them back for an art show. I like your teaching materials. Do you demonstrate "dancing" with your class?

xox Lily

Jordan said...

I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever, probably because I haven't. I was going to email you to make sure you were still alive, but then I remembered that you made this nifty blog. It seems as though you've settled in and are not quite so upset as you were at the beginning, which is good. There's not much going on here, although Rachel is anxious to graduate. We counted today: Only 10 more school days left until she graduates. We decided to save counting how many days I had left until another time. Well, I miss you and I hope that you're doing well. Love ya!

Jordan said...
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Anonymous said...

Hello Elizabeth. I'm happy to see Martha doing so well with her drawings. Keep a close eye on her though...you know mischevious tenedencies run in that name. I didn't know bugs like that actually existed.
I'm pretty much finished with my first year. Unbelievable, but also in good time. I'm ready for it to be over for sure.
Your pictures are nice, and your annotations even better. Talk to you soon.

Meghan said...

why haven't you named one of your students after ME? I am so hurt.