Thursday, August 16, 2007
How to enjoy your life:
Do something new for a change
Don't forget you're special
While the circumstances of life are
such that everyone must undergo
a certain amount of temporary defeat,
you can find hope in the knowledge
that every such defeat carries with it the seed of an equivalent benefit.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
tried and true
But I run into a lot of trouble with the classes who are too old to care about stickers, so I'm constantly trying to come up with good ways to discipline them. I recently tried having them write sentences, and it worked really well -- especially when I told them I would send the papers home with their evaluations at the end of the month. I get a total kick out of it, so the trick is to not laugh while they're writing.

Friday, August 3, 2007
Jeju-do: Day 1




Day 2

Once we got to the island, we rented scooters and the couple we rented them from gave us all this awesome gear. Remember, it's all about blending in.

Thursday, August 2, 2007
Day 3








Two more blending in pictures, haha:

Day 4


Day 5
On Monday, we went west again and stuck to the coastline. We rode about 230 km that day, about 2/3 the way around the island, but then cut back to the hotel and saved the rest of the coast for Tuesday.



There were a lot of bicyclists on the roads, but Jaime and I were extremely grateful for being on scooters. It was so hot, I don't know how the bikers weren't passing out from the heat.
Jaime got in a fight with a nasty-looking water bug while exploring the rocks. I think the bug won.
. Picnickers.
Jaime was really excited to find a bathroom. It being a sandcastle was an added bonus.
The enormous spider hanging outside the door was a big minus, so we continued on. This spider was at least 3 inches long.
The second sandcastle had its own little surprises within. Strike two.
One more try. This time there was a Jeju man (called a harubang) nearby, and we read that you can make wishes by holding their noses.
Strike three. Rocks are a safer bet.
These little plow carts were everywhere. There were also tons of old farm women driving around on scooters with huge "training wheels" on them. They were pretty hilarious. They seemed to be the Jeju grannies' transportation of choice.